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Old March 9th, 2009, 02:54 PM
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Default Re: Mod in Progress: Holy War

Originally Posted by Sombre View Post
I'm probably only going to be interested in the lite version of this, so I'm grateful that you're splitting the mod into 3.

May I suggest also boosting Smite to max possible range.
Yeah. I know that the independent change might not be liked by some people. I just feel that those medicore capital only sacreds kinda limit your options by making bless a bit rebundant (This especially annoys in the case of Marignon, the most holy nation with *meh* sacreds, what's the idea with that?). I'm actually thinking of scrapping the other big change of limiting mage-priests and making the *cloistered* versions. I figured other ways to get the effect I want without changing them.

But about the lite version. First I thought that I had only two options, either make smite AoE or make it instakill. Thank God I've come to my senses now. I'll probably bump the damage to 30 (enough to kill most basic giants, but not one-shot popular Thug/SC chassis). Max range might also be a good idea, allows for some exotic stragedies. I'll probably make the smite also #nextspell the new "Smite Heretic" spell, so that it's double effective versus opposing sacreds (since it forces two checks).

In Vanilla "Holy Word" is a cruel joke. You go all that trouble to prophetize a H3 priest to get a attack spell that's worse than smite? I'll make that bad boy AoE 1 and nextspell "Smite".

I'm a bit puzzled thought as what to add as a new H3 combat spell. Divine Bless and Smite are pretty good enough. Large AoE Heal spell? I was also pondering on the possibility of mr-negates-easily charm.

The holy monthly casting bug is *really* annoying. I can't make holy summoning rituals since one might understandably want to monthly cast them, but that crashes the game. Free Astral Window is the only idea I have currently. I'll most likely have to scrap the idea of pure-H rituals completely.

Originally Posted by pyg View Post
I love the idea and am looking forward to trying it out. I'm most excited about more priest spells even if they aren't that much more powerful.
Well, the lite version will likely be out soonish since it won't be that big really. If it's done this week or next or at the end of the month depends on how hooked I'll get to "A Vampyre Story" game I'm playing right now. At least today at work most of my mental efforts were put into figuring out possible solutions to a puzzle, so it's looking quite bad.

Originally Posted by Endoperez
Lots and lots of stuff.
I gave a bit more thought into the summon thing and figured out a way to wiggle out from the mage-priest change. I'll make the holy summons not that powerful, but low-level and you'll only get like 1 or 2 of them every casting. Those kind of summons that mostly cost mage-time are not really useful to be casted by your monstereous 400+gp 6?H2 mages (they have much more important stuff to do). But that 2pick H1 guy? He'll love them. Now if you really want to, you can complement your cap-only sacred by using your low-tier mages to summon more of them.

And you gave me a way to make the battlefield spell unattractive to them! I'll add few spells on national basis to the guys that really need the help. Sure, the beast-mage-priests might able to use them too, but I'll probably make them non-scaleable and the effects minor but useful.

Oh and one last thing. It seems that the bug of having pure H spells unviewable on the research screen has been fixed! About a year and half ago I remember running into this with Alugra.

So, how do you guys feel about researchable pure holy spells? That's not really "vanillaish", but then I would be able to make much more powerful spells and partially solve issue 7. I'll probably do some but should but them in lite or the regular version..
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