Thread: Killing Groups
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Old March 11th, 2009, 05:01 PM
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Default Re: Killing Groups

Sounds like you have in mind an ad-hoc mechanized company for offensive purposes?

I get the impression the Germans put together ad-hoc units as mobile 'fire brigades'. I think typically they were battalion sized (the 'brigade' wasn't a reference to the size) and they were probably used more often in a defensive role, to plug gaps, rather than an offensive role. But I could be wrong about this, so if anyone knows their history...

As a wargamer, I lean towards the realism side of things, but I'm all for experimenting with different tactics, strategies and forces.

A WWII saying went something like 'Organization is the enemy of improvisation'.

You may want to consider a company sized mobile reserve. Which is only a slight change of role. It would be held back until the battle has started to develop; then it can be used to exploit a success or bail out a company that is floundering.

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