Thread: Modding Help
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Old March 11th, 2009, 05:58 PM
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Default Modding Help

I have a list of specific questions. I looked through the DOM3 UOR modding manual v317. I couldn't get the newer one to work, I kept getting a CRC error when I tried to unzip the file from here. If someone could e-mail it to me, that would be great. I can PM you my e-mail account. =\ After looking through the manual, I couldn't find a command for certain things I wanted to do. So, here come the long list of questions.

If a command is not listed in the manual, is it impossible to add the effect?

Case in point, C'Tis's miasma is not presented as a command that you can add to a nation. But could I use C'Tis as a base nation somehow, clear all the units, and still get the miasma effect?

If so, is the +% gold per dominion tied to the miasma effect?

Many underwater nations have different recruitment rosters on dry land then they do in the water. Is this moddable, and how do I do it if it is?

I think that's everything for right now.

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