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Old March 12th, 2009, 01:18 AM
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Default Re: Mod in Progress: Holy War

I just managed to finish "A vampyre story" (12 hours well spent, trust me) and I'm now able to fully give my attention to this mod.

To Endo: Good ideas. I'll probably put the researchable holy spells to the regular "Holy War", since I'd like the "lite" version stay as vanilla firendly as possible.

That's a good idea on the gold costing holy summon. That's one way to get past "monthly casting pure H ritual crashes the game"-bug, since you probably don't want to spam them. Actually, I have a fitting graphic somewhere in here (see the attachment).

I was something like this:

Graft Holy Tablet
"The priest will spend a month engraving his gods divine mandates into a huge stone tablet. Once the Tablet is completed, the priest will summon some holy spirits to enchant the Tablet with divine radiance. The tablet will spread the word of god and decrease unrest in the province whence it dwells. It will also smite opponents who come too near it. But the Tablet needs constant maintenance in the form of expensive daily sermons needed to keep the holy spirits inside the tablet.

Those holy spirits are a bit problematic, thought. What kind of spirit could be considered as holy by all of the nations? I'll try to figure something out...

Got it! I'm kind of guessing here, but Pantakrator probably was worshipped and thus he had a priesthood/divine helpers of some sort. Now that Pantakrator has vanished, these servants still do their sacred tasks but lack something to worship. A clever pretender god could perhaps convince them that he is the rightful new Pantakrator and gain their worship.

EDIT: I'll update the first post today to the new desing goals
Attached Files
File Type: rar Holy Tablet.rar (8.5 KB, 197 views)
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