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Old March 12th, 2009, 09:54 AM
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Default Re: MilkShake - Vanilla; Multi-Age; Catan Rules; Mulligan(1) - NEEDS ~2 PLAYERS

Starshine, That's request is fine with me.

GrudgeBringer, My apologies for the 1 age thing. I'm sure there are way too many of these game around, but I myself haven't played in many of them at all. I personally may not know how the nations stack up against each other, but the best way to know in my opinion is to just play a game. Plus, if I remember correctly, it was mostly, though not completely, early-age nations that had the best survivability in the last all-nations game, Kingmaker.

With the addition of Dragar and the possibility of Jim, I'm inclined to wait it out and bump regularly. I'll update the things when I'm don't with work later today.
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