Originally Posted by Lt. Ketch
I've been bouncing this idea around my head for while and was curious if anybody and any information on historial groups that fit this discription, or what would make up a good group.
The idea is basicly a mobile combined arms group roughly the size of a company or smaller designed to move quickly about the battlefield wither in flanking manuevers or to support a larger assult group. It would be an indpendent group from the rest of the battalion and would incorperate tanks, mech infantry and SP Artillary.
My first thought was of having:
2 AFV sections (Fast moving MBTs, or well armered light tanks)
1 platoon infantry with transport (perferribly HT or APC)
1 section of scout units (AC or scouts with transport)
1 section SP Artillary (SP mortars or ~100mm i.e. Priest/Wespe)
The commander of the of the group could also double as a AO for the SP Artillary
Any thoughts, or am I just over thinking combined arms?
I generally organize my battalion into companies that have a platoon of tanks (3-4 tanks), a platoon of mechanized infantry (3-4 infantry), and a platoon of heavy weapons (usually 1 MG, 1 mortar, 1 anti-tank gun).
This group can usually take on a much larger force as long as they stay on the defensive, though in a pinch they can assault positions held by one or two platoons.
In real life though these platoons will usually come from different companies or even battalions.