Re: Send Horror and Scouts
Some of my scouts stayed in their province and changed orders to 'Attack'. Some of the scouts moved into a neighboring province. There didn't seem to be any difference between trying these two approaches.
Of the few scouts that survived, the weird thing is that the "We have now taken control" messages appear alongside "normal movement" battle messages. But the scouts that died all had "there was a battle" messages in the magic phase, immediately prior to a "there was a battle" for the lesser horror.
failure: Scouts that did "Attack" current province
Had a scout in hiding province #55, with orders to move into #40.
Had a scout in hiding province #62, with orders to move into #55.
Cast Send Lesser Horror on 40, 55. Result:
1st battle, magic battle phase: Scout moving from #55 to #40 attacks #55! Weird.
2st battle, magic battle phase: Horror attacks and takes #55.
3st battle, magic battle phase: Horror attacks and takes #40.
4th non-battle, mvmt battle phase: Scout from #62 takes empty province #55.
failure: cast send lessor horror on province I took with call of winds. :P
It looks like:
- If you cast Send Lesser Horror on a province where there is a scout hiding, and the scout has new orders to "Attack", the scout can fight the PD first.
- If you cast Send Lesser Horror on a province where there is a scout hiding, and the scout has new orders to "Move" to a different province, the scout does not move but instead fights the local PD, before the horror.
It looks safe to:
- Move a hidden scout from province A to attack province B, so long as you don't also cast Send Lesser Horror at province A.
Whether he submitted the post, or whether he did not, made no difference. The Thought Police would get him just the same. He had committed— would still have committed, even if he had never set pen to paper— the essential crime that contained all others in itself. Thoughtcrime, they called it. Thoughtcrime was not a thing that could be concealed forever.