Originally Posted by Jazzepi
Had some more questions.
Is there a way to add my own sound effects to the game for unit attacks?
Where can I find a list of all the effects that can go on #secondaryeffect?
I'd like to have a unit that explodes when it dies. Either doing damage, but probably just spreading a negative status effect on the enemies. What would be a good way to model this? Right now I'm just sticking with monster editing, I haven't dabbled into spell effects, so if it requires spell effects to do, please be explicit in your answer!
1) Try the #sound command on the modding manual.
2) Try Edi's Dom3 DB and it's list of weapons. Any weapon (even one that you modded yourself) can be a secondaryeffect.
3) Hmm. Tricky. a)You can make a unit that will *very* likely die when it attacks
b) make a spell that will center a massive blast on the caster.
That's all I can think of now.
a) You could make the unit extemely low hp and give it an AoE attack to which it will most likely die.
b) Here's the partial code for the spell anwser.
#descr "Comes with a BANG"
#flightspr -1
#explspr Y
#path 0 4
#school -1
#aoe Y
#range 0
#effect 2
#damage YY
#researchlevel 0
#pathlevel 0 1
#spec XXX
#fatiguecost 0
#name "BANG"
#descr "XXXXXX."
#flightspr -1
#explspr X
#path 0 X
#school X
#aoe 0
#range 0
#effect 23
#damage 4
#researchlevel 0
#pathlevel 0 1
#spec XXX
#fatiguecost XX
#nextspell "EXPLOSION"
Replace the X's and Y's with whatever values you want for the spell to have. The "BANG" is a personal buff that gives "haste". Why? The casting AI is sometimes very reluctant to cast spells that will clearly *always* kill the caster, so we are fooling the AI into thinking that the spell is a poor personal buff. This will also prevent the casting AI from casting it unscripted. The unit won't cast this spell though if the unit already has haste.
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