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Old March 13th, 2009, 07:32 PM

Hector, tamer of horses Hector, tamer of horses is offline
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Default Re: Rookie Questions re Glamour and Patches


All of you. Your responses were very quick and responsible.

I have a real idiot question for you. I received an arena summons. So figuring I wanted to win, I send my pretender. Heck it was turn two I figured I just reboot if he croaks. Well, he won alright. And I got this nifty little two handed trident. The problem is that the trident is cursed and now I can't get rid of it.

Can I break the curse to get rid of the thing?

Also, what happens when the next arena challenge arrives? Is my pretender required to go?

How can I get out of it?

Is there a way to send someone else in his place?
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