Thread: Map Antilarium 3 Metamap
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Old March 14th, 2009, 11:38 AM
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Default Re: Antilarium 4 Metamap

I'm excited to announce a major update - almost overhaul - of my Antilarium metamod. Version 4 of the map and mod are available for download at the first post in this thread.

I'm also using a different file provider; unfortunately the filesharing service I used for the last updates "turned off" after 90 days, gee, thanks.

What's new?
- a lot of new graphics/sprites.
- EACH well now has custom recruits that are designed to be tactically or STRATEGICALLY signficant. I will leave it to the player how to discover how to best take advantage of them, but some notes below.
- new Gift of Reason spells in every path to compensate for the version 3.22 patch #com bug, which is necessary because the Well commander recruits need to be commanders for full impact.
- a few fixed bugs that probably nobody noticed.

The Well recruits:
- Well of Craft: Dwarven Master Smith (50% forge bonus)
- Well of Clouds: Kick *** (lit.) monk recruits. High defense, mult. attacks.
- Well of Exile: recruit Banes, and Bane Executioner super assassins.
- Well of Hunger: recruit Orks - cheap, mass-production heavy infantry
- Well of Tides: recruit sea rangers, captains (all sailing ability, important in this map!)
- Well of Fickle Fortune: recruit blood witch and Fortune Priestess (onebattlespell grant luck to all friendlies)
- Well of Fay: (changed) recruit Faerie (monthly summon more faerie) and dragonflies - super cheap flying units!
- Well of Warriors: recruit Weavework Warriors (sort of like cloud monks - fast, multi attacks)
- Well of Oldest Magic: (renamed) recruit High Mages... REAL rainbow mages with rainbow gem production (drooling yet?) but low province resources...
- Well of Ice: recruit Thermovores (ethereal, cold-emitting flyers) and Winterfoxes (glamoured scounts, magic commanders, with Grip of Winter ability)
- Well of the Protector: (renamed) recruit Sea Drakes and Tower Masters. Amphibious, tough mini-dragon armies and dragon-mounted mage commanders!
- Well of the Hunter: recruit Shiro and Shiro Nobles - large-frame, high-defense stealth raider armies
- Well of the Usurper: recruit Trollfiends (essentially large magic trolls)
- Well of Crushing Depths: recruit Kraken (souped-up, also assassins!)
- Well of Currents: recruit small water elementals (amphib, regen underwater)
- Well of Agony: recruit Agony Disciples, which each cause fear and are sacred

Interested yet? Here's some of the new sprites!
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	ant4sprites.jpg
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ID:	7916  
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