Thread: Modding Help
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Old March 15th, 2009, 11:23 AM
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Default Re: Modding Help

Originally Posted by Jazzepi View Post
Burn, I tried to implement the magic solution you gave me to the explosion thing.

Unfortunately, I want these units to explode, and they're recruits, not commanders. Does it matter? Can you still give a non-commander the ability to self-buff as is described in your post?
Unofrtunately the spell I posted is a spell that causes the unit to explode and thus needs to be casted, by a mage. You can't mod a spell like that unfortunately. Closest I can think of is making a spell that gives them the "Inner Sun" effect, but that's not probably what you're after.

You could give them secondshape with very low HP, but like gazabillion defense and resistance (so that they don't get struck down before they have chance to attack) and give them attack that will make them oneshot themselves.

Originally Posted by Jazzepi View Post

Is there a list of fortresses anywhere? I'd be looking for these items of information.

Admin, Storage, Time to Build, Cost, Defense, and what the picture looks like

Maybe I'll do this for the community if no one else has.

The fortresses are in the DomDB.
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