Thread: Modding Help
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Old March 15th, 2009, 11:38 AM
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Default Re: Modding Help

Thanks, I didn't even think to look there.

You could give them secondshape with very low HP, but like gazabillion defense and resistance (so that they don't get struck down before they have chance to attack) and give them attack that will make them oneshot themselves.
I think I'll just give them poison armor. It's not quite what I'd like, but it'll do. Maybe I'll give the nation a magic spell that buffs their units to explode. That could be even cooler

I'm having a strange problem. The units in this nation I'm working on are idealistically all suppose to start out at age 0, with a small final age, to represent the fact that they don't live very long. Say, 10-15 years. Unfortunately when I set it to age zero, and then I have a mage with magic paths it gives them a ton more years then they should have. Also, the normal recruitable units with no magic paths have age 2, which is more than I would like. I want them to be like the Orcs from lord of the rings, born from those breeding vats and ready the fight the moment they arise from the earth-womb.

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