Originally Posted by Endoperez
Originally Posted by Jazzepi
I think I'll just give them poison armor. It's not quite what I'd like, but it'll do. Maybe I'll give the nation a magic spell that buffs their units to explode. That could be even cooler
I'm having a strange problem. The units in this nation I'm working on are idealistically all suppose to start out at age 0, with a small final age, to represent the fact that they don't live very long.
LA Agartha can create Flame Corpses, which explode on death. You might be able to use them somehow.
No way
I'm going to check this out right now. Haha! They work. I used copystats and I got the explosion effect.
Is there any way to clear the undead/mindless/lifess/never heals/cold resistance 100 status from them? I tried using #clearspec and #clear but if I do that I lose the explosion part.
Looks like I can just give them -100 cold resistance after doing the copying, but I'm stuck with the undead junk
Maybe I can fit it into the nation's theme