March 15th, 2009, 12:14 PM
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Re: Modding Help
Originally Posted by Burnsaber
Originally Posted by rdonj
Not to interrupt jazzepi's questions, but I could use some modding help real quick and I'd rather not clutter up the forum with threads for easy questions.
Someone I know made a mod using this as a weapon:
#newweapon 624
#name "Leech drain"
#copystats 63
#nratt 6
63 looks to be the basic life drain weapon, but the end result does not actually drain life. Since there is no "life drain" damage type I'm not sure how to make something like this work if it will not in present form. Any ideas?
There is no #copystats or (#copyweapon or something) in weapon modding. You could make the weapon have weapon 63 as a secondaryeffect.
That'll teach me to post while tired....