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Old March 15th, 2009, 06:31 PM
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Default Re: Asia Twist - PBEM

Normally, we ignore Ashdod's ramblings but this latest rant is so self-contradictory, we must respond:

Originally Posted by Meglobob View Post
... Arco gone, Mictlan going down, Eriu occupied in a war with another nation.
Who is killing all these nations? Are they just evaporating? Or is Ashdod so overpowered that any monkey with an E blessing can crush multiple neighbors with ease. The world should take note, once Pan falls or gives up, Ashdod will be their problem. Now is the time to jump on them.

Originally Posted by Meglobob View Post
Only Caelum/R'lyeh left to hide behind. He always rewards his vassels by adding there lands to his (the recent provinces he took where Caleums), so sign up now.
Well, if Pan is hiding behind Caelum, why is Pan kicking Ashdod off Caelum's land? Oops. And how does Pan hide behind an ocean nation? Anyhow, the AAA are always welcome to take back any lands recovered in the war. Frankly we are just tired of those Adons running away into conquered lands (by the way we had no idea til this last turn how far Ashdod had spread in Caelum's lands 148, 165, 156....

Originally Posted by Meglobob View Post
IThe slight downward spike in Pans army graph represents 500'ish dead Maenads....The cowardly tree huggers (Pan) are running out of vassel nations to take the brunt of the fighting...Face facts Pan if you want me dead, you are going to after do it yourself. Now be a Pan, not a mouse.
Apparently we aren't bearing the brunt of war but we lost 500+ good citizens of Pan? Strange logic. Shows how effective naked women are against bladewind, shadow blast, earthquake spamming mages backed up with Protection 24, fireshielded, reinvigorating Adons. Oh, but Pan does have those great 350 gp non-sacred N3 combat mages (voice also dripping with saracasm)

Originally Posted by Meglobob View Post
Join Pan who the graphs say is one of the strongest nations in Asia Twist and help control the so very scarey Ashdod (voice dripping with sarcasm) who the graphs rate as one of the weakest nations.
Strongest - are you kidding - what is land without gems or research or income? Lot of good 500+ Maenads did. But a nation that can recruit an SC every turn...I know who I'd rather face. Pan knows its lost this game, now we are just trying to have fun seeing all the ways we can lose trying to stop the big A.
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