Originally Posted by DonCorazon
Normally, we ignore Ashdod's ramblings but this latest rant is so self-contradictory, we must respond:
Originally Posted by Meglobob
... Arco gone, Mictlan going down, Eriu occupied in a war with another nation.
Who is killing all these nations? Are they just evaporating? Or is Ashdod so overpowered that any monkey with an E blessing can crush multiple neighbors with ease. The world should take note, once Pan falls or gives up, Ashdod will be their problem. Now is the time to jump on them.
I have not killed 1 nation this entire game! Not even Ulm (you did, remember), all I have done is defend myself against unprovoked agression. Arco, Mictlan all killed by other nations, oh sure I weakened them by destroying there invading armies but that was just self defense.
Besides your 10,000's maenads, you have GoR, fully kitted out gargoyles, fully kitted out Pans with simply awesome amounts of magic items. A HUGE blood slave economy which of course does not show up on the graphs, besides your hordes of normal gems. A Gorgon god who stands 1st in the Hall of Heros as the most powerful being in the multiverse.
Don't pretend Pan, your aim is too slaughter all other gods in Asia Twist but you know taking me down will hurt you badly and leave you vulnerable to your neighbours. So your desperate for any poor sap to do your dirty work for you. Come clean, tree huggers, come clean.
Just look at the graphs I say, look at those graphs. They don't lie.