Originally Posted by Cross
Originally Posted by Lt. Ketch
What has been happening lately is that I creep up on foot until I blunder into the enemy. Spend three turns waiting for my artillary to come in
If your moving forward trying to find the enemies defenses, plot your artillery just ahead of your point troops. This artillery doesn't actually have to be firing rounds, just continue to creep your plots forward until you make contact. Then when you 'blunder into the enemy', you will only have to wait one turn for your artillery.
Cross, thank you for saying it outright. I've seen this advisor a dozen different ways, but didn't get how it was suppost to work. Thank you!
Originally Posted by Imp
Besides it sounds like you are playing the wrong game ... Generalising but fast mobile strike forces are a MBT thing as they have the vehicles to do it good radios etc etc.
I so need to brush up on my history (somewhat embarassing for someone who graduated in it), not to mention my tactics. I've got both WW2 and MBT and occasionally try MBT (I'd love to do a Russian/Afganistan campaign) but I think you have successfully pointed out my problem. Well, one of them at least. I keep on trying modern tactics with WW2 kit and expecting WW2 like encounters when I play with mordern kit. It doesn't help that I always try to play on a <100 hex map with MBT which, as I've come to realize, is why I can never flank anything. Thanks for the observation. Let's see if I can't do a little better in this next fight.....