Originally Posted by Sombre
There are no bugs relating to fort type settings afaik, so recheck what you typed against the mod manual and reload the mod I guess.
It's pretty clear there's an error here, to me. Something with how the "default" setting is interacting with the "forest" setting (among others).
My assumption was that default would only kick in when one of the other ones weren't defined, but this is clearly not the case. If I do this...
1 = Simple Hillfort
5 = Swamp City
32 = Ramparts
7 = Motte-and-Bailey
26 = Dead City
#startfort 5
#mountainfort 32
#forestfort 7
#defaultfort 26
Then dead cities should show up as a build option in every province except for mountains and forests. For some reason I get Simple Hillfort (1) in plains or wastes. Motte-and-baily (7) in forest/plains. Motte-and-Baily (7) in forest and Ramparts in mountains .
If I do this in the mod file...
#startfort 5
#defaultfort 26
#mountainfort 32
#forestfort 7
Hmm. That seems to work. I guess you just have to put the default fort directly after startfort.
I love undocumented requirements D: