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Old March 16th, 2009, 02:11 PM

Illuminated One Illuminated One is offline
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Default Re: Rookie Questions re Glamour and Patches

Originally Posted by Hector, tamer of horses View Post
2) Transfiguration into a blob of glue or something else without hands hands may get rid of it, but it may damage the pretender ... how bad one wonders? The consensus is that this is also a bad idea.

3) Let him die. Either in the arena or at the front taking as many of the enemy with him as possible. Death not being terribly crippling ... because you can reanimate him with only a small amount of damage.

Hmmmm! Got to love a game where killing your own god is the preferred option. LOL.

For a SC pretender Transformation is extremely bad. Transformation gives you a random animal which isn't better than your recruitables means he's useless. Killing him takes 1 away from every magic path he has. He might still be used as SC and the damage can be fixed by paying gems for empowerment.
For a rainbow mage it's not so bad, if you can live without boosters but then why bother getting rid of the trident anyway?
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