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Old March 16th, 2009, 03:20 PM
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Darkwind Darkwind is offline
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Default Re: Chronicles_EA: Second-pass Signup and Discussion

First--why'd you have to go, BigandScary (well, I already know, but still)? I'll miss your, well, your prologue I guess.

Also, I agree with Baalz--this game was supposed to be slow originally, but at this point it's getting a bit (only a bit! We're not at the 'laugh-at-a-decade-from-now' or 'try-desperately-to-forget-ever-happened' stage yet) comical. At this stage (for me at least) doing my turn and writing a huge, giant story (the kind I'm prone to posting) could probably take at most three hours, and that's for a really big story with a writer's block larger than Austria.

Edit: Also trying not to sound like a douche. Hopefully I succeeded.
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