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Old March 18th, 2009, 01:11 PM

Agema Agema is offline
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Default Re: So what is this new game Demigod?

Degrees are versatile things, and the specialisation within a field doesn't necessarily mean that much when looking for jobs or further education: it's often more about emphasis rather than different skill sets when compared to related fields. For instance, a bachelor's degree in one area of the biomedical sciences would qualify you for a job in pretty much all of them.

* * *

It's not just the games industry. Apparently 90% of all acts signed to music labels lose money for their publisher, it's just the remaining 10% generally make much more than the 90% lose. It's often worth sticking with them because they never know when one of those 90% will release a song/album that will make them big. I imagine it's similar in movies and books, too.
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