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Old March 19th, 2009, 04:26 PM
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Default magic items - bonus attack items

Looking at Edi's database, items like Chi Shoes, Stone Bird etc. seem pretty straightforward to duplicate, but in practice, I usually can't get "bonus attack" items like these to work. Any thoughts why the following would consistently produce nada?

#newweapon 790
#name "Paralyzing Blast"
#att 6
#aoe 0
#def 0
#dmg 5
#sound 3
#range 50
#explspr 10206
#flyspr 297 -- just for testing so I can see it happen
#secondaryeffectalways 283 -- paralyze; overkill, but still nada

#name "Lesser Circlet of Blasting"
#copyspr "Ring of Water Breathing"
#weapon 790
#descr "This arcane device contains a gem charged with psychic energies, which allows the wielder to cast powerful paralysis blasts at enemies."
#constlevel 4
#mainpath 4 -- astral
#mainlevel 3
#type 6 --helmet

#name "Greater Circlet of Blasting"
#copyspr "Ring of Water Breathing"
#weapon 311
#descr "This arcane device contains a gem charged with psychic energies, which allows the wielder to cast powerful mind blasts at enemies."
#constlevel 6
#mainpath 4 -- astral
#mainlevel 5
#type 6 --helmet
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