Originally Posted by lch
I don't know what a "reverse communion" is
One example of reverse communion I've seen used quite early in a game (needs Evocation 5 and Blood 2 IIRC). Totally destroyed my SC pretender and elites + prophet he had along.
You need access to cheap blood and astral mages. Take four S1 mages and a B1 mage, the B1 mage need to cast his spell after the astral mages (ie to be lowest in the selection screen).
Script the blood mage to Sabbath Master, Hell Power, Reinvigoration x 3. Script the astral mage to Communion Slave, Twist Fate, Astral Geysir x 3.
You'll have each turn a chance a horror spawns. Actually, it seemed to be pretty guaranteed at least one spawned, as there were five hell-power buffed mages present. However, your mages only have 1st level horror mark, while there are *loads* of 2nd level horror marked opponents... And even if the horror would attack your mage, he has twist fate to negate the first attack. All the while Reinvigoration keeps your fatigue at zero for all your mages.
My Pretender survived that battle. But he didn't live long, as he had about umpteenth level horror mark on him (not only from the geysir, but also from the horros attacking him many times

), and the doom horror was lurking behind the corner... It was evil.