Thread: Mod Holy War 0.9
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Old March 20th, 2009, 02:44 PM
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Default Holy War 0.9

Changes from 0.8 -> 0.9
- Improved grammar, thanks to Amonchakad.
- Templar Abbot is now cheaper
- Several small bug fixes (sauromatian H1 priest, warrior monk 24 defense and so forth)
- The Man on the Silver Mountain is now epic. He now casts "Ark" effect into each battle

Note that this mod clashes completely with Psientist's Mytheology & Antilarium mod. It also clashes with the Alugra, City of Wonders nation mod. It is fully compactible with CBM and the Magic site mod thought.

Holy War: Divine It adds 13 new researchable holy spells and 3 level 0 ones. It also replaces the sucky vanilla holy sites with 31 brand new holy sites. (14 common, 14 uncommon and 3 rare).

What do these change actually mean?

Holy magic sites are now a lot more common. Site searching with priests will be a lot more worthwhile.

Priests are now a lot more versatile casters. Their ability to heal your troops can open some new stragedies if used correctly. I designed the buffing spells not to work well with elite (aka high mr) troops for balance reasons, but the buffs can still be very powerful if you equip the priest with some penetration items and choose the buffed troops wisely. "Holy Warriors" can turn Barbarians into instant anti-thug missiles.

You also should be more careful with placement of your sacred mages. Althought "Smite Heretic" only has range of 15, a h2 caster placed at the very front might be able to snipe your casters if you have no other sacred troops in your army. The adding of "Smite Heretic" and giving it as a nextspell for "smite" is mostly there for thematic reaasons. If someone tries to rush you with blessed holy warriors, you call your priests for aid.

Holy War: Divine

- Design Goal: Boost Divine magic in general by adding new holy spells and magic sites.


1) Adds three new holy level 0 spells.
H1: Faith Healing - "Using his divine powers, the priest will heal wounds of some friendly soldiers. This spell won't affect undead or constructs."
Range: 15+, NoE: 1+, Prec:100, Fat:0, Dam:5+(AN), UW+, IA-, UD-

H2: Smite Heretic - "Using his divine powers, the priest will smite his heretical opponent. If the opposing sacred is strong of mind, he might be able to resist the holy power."
Range: 15, Prec:100, NoE:1, Dam:30, Fat:0, MR+, UW+, Against Sacreds only

H3: Chastise - "Using his considerable divine powers, the priest will enfulg one opponent in divine radiance. This show of divine power won't harm the target, but is very frightening none the less. Some targets might see the error of their ways and join the ranks of one true god."
Range: 25, NoE:1, Prec:100, Fat:0, MR negates easily charm, nextspells "Frighten"

2) Boosts some excisting holy spells

- Smite to range 30 and damage 30. Also #nextspells "Smite Heretic"
- Smite Demon to range 30 and damage 30
- Word of Power now AoE 1 and #nextspells "Chastise"

3) Adds 13 new researchable holy spells. 2 for each magic school (expect construction, which only gets one in level 5) on level 3 and 7.


H2 - Smite Undead: "This special version of banishment affects a smaller area than the regular one, but is more stronger. This spell is a great compliment to banishment as it is much more powerful against forces composed of few but strong undead abodominations."
Conj lev 3, Range:30, Damage:30, Prec:100, AoE:1, MR+, UW+, UD++

H3 - Divine Wrath: "This prayer will call immense divine power to smite some heathens. The skies will open and a huge ray of light will strike down on a small area. Should the heathen's magical resistance fail, his body and soul will be incenirated instantly. Even if they survive the inital blast, they might still take damage. One of the most powerful divine spells, this prayer will greatly exhaust the caster."
Conj lev 7, Range:25+, AoE:1, Prec:100, Fat:40, Dam: Death, MR+, UW+ nextspells "Smite"


H2 - Divine Light: "Caster will manifest his gods power in a blast of bright light. If the target is not able to resist, he will be blinded for life."
Alt lev 3, Range:20, Prec:100, NoE:1, Fat:0, MR+, UW+

H2 - Holy Warriors: "This powerful prayer will release vast godly energies in the battlefield and some friendly soldiers might be altered by the divine might. Those lucky enough to be altered will gain some abilities of Celestial beings, like flight and hardened skin. The altered will also have their armor and blades tempered by divine powers. The priest doesn't have much control over who gets altered and who doesn't, but the godly force seems to favour the meek and humble. One of the most powerful divine spells, this prayer will greatly exhaust the caster."
Alt lev 7, Range:10+, Prec:100, Fat: 40, AoE:3+, NoE:2+, MR++, UW+


H2 - Hand of Judgement: "Being face to face with a heathen foe, the priest invokes a quick but powerful prayer. His right hand will start glowing with divine light and the ensuing punch will carry out the unforgiving judgement of the Priest's god. If the target is either Undead or Demon, the punch will likely be strong enough to sent the abodomination straight to the pit it crawled from. Strenght of the caster adds damage."
Evo lev 3, Range:1, Fat:0, Prec:100, Dam:30(AP), UW+, 3xdamage vs undead or demons

H2 - Judgement: "The priest channel the power of his faith into a bolt of divine lighting. The bolt is not strong enough kill strong foes in one hit, but it ignores armor. The bolt is of godly source and no mortal is able to resist its might. This spell is special in the sense that it reguires aiming by the caster and will not hit all the time, thought it will never harm friendly soldiers in the case of a misfire."
Evo lev 7, Range:20+, Fat:25, Prec:5, Dam:10(AN), UW+


H1 - Divine Armaments: "The priest will kneel down and pray for divine help. This prayer will strenghten the armor of some fellow soldiers if the divine power finds them worthy. This godly force might also temper some blades to unnatural sharpness and enchant bows with flaming arrows. A powerful priest might be able to call aid on large squads of troops." (forces two mr checks, if first fails gains "Legions of Steel" the second mr check is fails easily and gives Flaming arrows and piercing weapons if the check fails."
Const lev 5, Range:5+, Fat:0, Prec:100, AoE:3, NoE:1+, UW+, MR+(MR++)


H2 - True Healing: "This is a more powerful version of the 'Faith Healing' spell. Using his divine powers, the priest will heal wounds of some friendly soldiers. This spell won't affect undead or constructs."
Ench lev 3, Range:20+, Prec:100, AoE:2+, NoE:2+, Fat:0, Dam:6+(AN), UW+

H2 - Divine Protection: "With this prayer, the priest will Channel powerful divine energies to protect his brothers in battle. The energies will flow through a small area, enchanting those who seem worthy. Those who are lucky enough to be affected gain resistance against elements and magic. A powerful priest might be able to call aid on large squads of troops. One of the most powerful divine spells, this prayer will greatly exhaust the caster."
Ench lev 7, Range:10+, Prec:100, AoE:3, NoE:2+, Fat:30, UW+, MR+


H1 - Invoke Righteous Fury: This is a more powerful version of the basic blessing spell. The priest will rise his hands into the air and bless some troops surrounding him. The blessed sacreds will be filled with religious rage and march supernaturally fast into battle. This religious rage also gives the benefits of the 'Sermon of Courage' spell."
Thau lev 3, Range:0, Prec:100, AoE:5, NoE:1+, Fat:0, UW+

H2 - Fury of the Faithful: "This powerful prayer lets the caster speak with the voice of titans. The priest hold a great speech full of fire and brimstone, sending all sacreds close to him into a religious fury, blessing them. Affected troops will move unnaturally fast and are likely to fight to the last man."
Thau lev 7, Range:0, Prec:100, AoE:50, NoE:1, Fat:0, UW+


H2 - Mark of the Beast: "This powerful curse will mark an opposing heathen with the Mark of the Beast, branding him as a vile opposer of faith. The marked one is very likely to be permanently wounded in combat. Horros also take perverse delight in devouring the souls of the Marked and will target them first. Finally, some Branded might catch a vile disease upon marking. One can only be marked once and those who already suffer from a curse cannot be marked." - (Curses and Horror Marks, MR check or gain disease)
Blood lev 3, R:30, Prec:100, Fat: 0, UW+, MR partially resists

H3 - Cleansing of Sins: "Devout priest will take pity on his mislead foes and try to cleanse them by his gods divine power. The Priest will manifest and order strands of astral coils to whip some foes. Armor offers no protection from the whipping, but the damage is rarely lethal. This mighty show of divine power will greatly scare foes and compel some to join the ranks of the one true god. Although one of the most powerful spells available to a strong priest, this spell is somewhat limited by its low range."
Blood lev 7, R:15, Prec:100, Fat: 25, AoE:3+, UW+, Dam: 2(AN), nextspells "Chastice"

Holy War: Priests & Sacreds

This is a minor mod, designed to work with Holy War: Divine.

It improves national pure holy priests, and alters gold costs of some national sacreds. It also makes the common independent priest unable to cast divine spells (althought they cast bless at the start of combat, so they're not completely useless).

It also adds the "Guardians" from Holy War: Divine as spell summons.
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Last edited by Burnsaber; December 11th, 2009 at 06:31 PM..
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