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Old March 21st, 2009, 12:58 AM

Keratin Keratin is offline
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Default Re: Why Not Digitial Distribution?

I admit that in retrospect I felt sorry for the title for being so difficult to acquire legally and so easy to acquire illegally. I like the game. I want to support the game (now that I know how good it is.) But I'm disinclined to pay money to buy myself a hassle. And sitting around with my thumb up my *** for a week, so that I can receive some more annoying physical possessions I get to lug around with me till I die, all for the low low price of $60, seems like quite a lot of hassle. I'll buy the game, but I honestly feel like I'm being punished for wanting to do the right thing. I'd rather be punished with annoying DRM crap than this. And I'm quite certain I'm not a beautiful and unique snowflake and nobody feels this way but me.

Last edited by Johan K; March 22nd, 2009 at 05:57 PM..
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