Thread: Patch 3.23
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Old March 21st, 2009, 04:04 AM
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Default Re: Patch 3.23

Originally Posted by secretperson View Post
This is for 3.23b patch- I was just playing LA Jomon in SP and it has repeatedly crashed to desktop between turns when it is generating turn 1 or 2 of one of the battles. I have tried to let it run and changed my orders that turn too to see if this would change the outcome but to no avail. Is there a solution to this problem or is there a known cause? I'm wondering if it's a seduction battle or a void battle but I really have no idea.

Has anyone else encountered this?

Edit: Running on Mac OSX btw
There were two or three separate bugs, some of them intertwined. Forging certain items could crash to desktop and the seduction issue was apparently another. I don't know what exactly caused it, but Johan fixed it immediately upon getting game files where it manifested. On testing, the 3.23b worked perfectly, so there shouldn't be any more problems of this sort.
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