Thread: Sombre's Mods
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Old March 21st, 2009, 09:16 AM

alansmithee alansmithee is offline
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Default Re: Sombre's Mods

If you don't mind me asking, how are you playing the skaven? I'm having a little difficulty with them now against the computer. I usually play medium to large maps, 11 mighty AI nations. The big problem seems to me that skaven want to fight a war of attrition, which the computer does better (having hordes more chaff, and generally better morale). Also, I tried a S9/W9 bless (was gonna play them like Mictlan, with censors taking the role of jags) but my guys die way too fast. I really like the nation, and I think they would perform better in a game against humans, but dealing with the vast numbers of chaff without anything to absorb it is difficult.
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