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Old March 21st, 2009, 07:07 PM

getter77 getter77 is offline
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Default Re: Why Not Digitial Distribution?

Originally Posted by S.R. Krol View Post
Okay, yeah hadn't thought about that, but given a choice between the latest and greatest and an earlier incarnation, would anyone really want to go backwards?
Yeah, that was primarily what I meant. Like, I ran into one guy online that had actually heard of Dominions III before due to having owned and played Dominions II. By his reckoning, he preferred II due to feeling III had too many options and thought it might be a better starting point for me to track down a copy of II rather than jump headfirst into III. Of course, by the time he'd mentioned this, I'd already ordered Dom III and Scalywag off of here without so much as touching the demos...but it does give food for thought.

I've seen some spots, even that piracy idiot, cite the high price as a barrier of entry as to just how out there a game Dom III can apparently be. So, if say Dom 1+2, or something, were offered at a cheaper price by the likes of GoG, then they could get an "appetizer" as opposed to a demo "taste" and then perhaps be less dissuaded by the high pricetag and grab Dominions III.

For newcomers, aside from the weird ones like me, they might have a better disposition towards the lot of it by playing the games in the order they existed so as to have a better sense of how far it has come and where it is seemingly heading.

Mainly I was intending to interject an entirely different player, GoG, compared to Steam and the like upon which it can get divisive to the notion of digital distro in general. Had I discovered Shrapnel, Dominions, etc some years back I wouldn't be quite so late to the party that is Dom III---and I reckon it is likely that there are other folk like me out there that have been missing out these past several years. Besides, a new game is a new game to somebody the first time they encounter it when you get right down to it---"age" only becomes relevant after the fact.

Otherwise, it never hurts to have games you already provide a free download for in another place where a prospective audience could come across it unawares and then perhaps find their way here. Can't Google it if you've not seen or heard about it, and there's something to be said to preaching to the choir if the latest and greatest along with the classics doesn't make the rounds in foreign venues to show newcomers what's up.
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