Originally Posted by Gandalf Parker
There isnt much you HAVE to go to college to understand. Its just a compilation.
But it includes more than cost/benefit. Many people dont understand why so many products are priced 5.99 or 19.99 or 59.99. Or diminishing numbers when operating on a niche market. Or the difference between marketing and publicity.
Well i understand why they havnt wanted to lower the price cause of a niche market and that good stuff at first ..
But its been 2 and a half years a price cut couldnt hurt or atleast digital distrubtion to help lower the costs on a allready expensive product wouldnt be that terrible either.
I really think a lack of digital distribution kills there chances at an impulse buyers.. I know when i bored i end up buying something off gamers gate or steam.. I wouldnt buy it if i was going to have to wait for it to ship to me threw snail mail .
And i dont think the game is that niche..
Kings Bounty has been pretty popular, The recently awful Heroes of might and magic series pumps outs expansions and sure another is in the work besides there browser one they are working on.. One of the most popular mods for Civ4 is the fall from heaven mod.. And Stardocks elemental war of magic is one of the more eagerly awaited games . All of these are turn based strategy fantasy games that are pretty popular .And these are just the ones i remember off the top of my head
Dom3 i've never seen it advertised anywhere , and it costs alot more than all those doesnt match up in the graphics department . So i know alot of people overlook it without a second thought.
But as said i harp on this everytime these threads pop up. And ill do it every time one comes up hoping something changes
. And no matter what the price is ill keep recommending the game to anyone i know who enjoys strategy games and maybe ill get someone to give it a try ..