Thread: Wishlist Capitulation
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Old March 26th, 2009, 11:47 AM
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Gandalf Parker Gandalf Parker is offline
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Default Re: Capitulation

The game does have a recommended fix for that already.
The Master Password allows the person running the game to enter as any player. Usually if the player stops playing its to set the player AI. But it can also be used to allow a replacement player, or for the person running the game to make moves for that player. Or even can be used to do some of the dividing which people are recommending.

Providing more options for breaking up the departing players property sounds like more trouble to add than it would be worth for the problem.

Yes I know that its easy to not think about the need for master password until its needed which is too late. I HIGHLY recommend that all hosts ALWAYS set a master password. And if you are the kindof person which always forgets then just change the defaults to always put one in. Add to your dom3 icon the switch to do
--masterpass masterblaster

Gandalf Parker
To some people, unlimited options seems to them to be zero options.
Without a menu of choices, they are lost.
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