Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
Supreme Commander is nice in a way, but I don't like some aspects of the game. Just like in Total Annihilation, the AI insists on building ridiculously tough bases and doing little else. It's completely against the way I'd prefer to play the game. And I usually don't like to do multiplayer with strategy games, as most people tend to play in ways I find abhorrent also :P (I once watched my father play Age of Empires 2 online and get rushed by... bombard cannons?!). Dominions is actually the only strategy game I've played online since starcraft... and I found melee maps bored me quickly.
In a way total annihilation was more fun than SC, the units in SC seem too homogenized, they're too similar except for the artillery units. And unfortunately the unit AI seems about as bad about movement orders as it used to be. They could have made the game much more interesting IMO. And yeah, having to play zoomed out too far to watch your units fight is just not fun for me. I like to watch battles play out, it's a big part of the fun for me in playing an RTS. But at the same time, while you pretty much have to play zoomed out if you don't carefully micromanage your units they perform quite underpar. It's a bit depressing. Kind of makes me wish you could set firing priorities for things, like you do in Space Empires. Even with just that it would be a huge step in the right direction.