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Old March 30th, 2009, 01:43 PM
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Default Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?

Originally Posted by Burnsaber View Post
Has anyone tried out the Sam & Max adventure games? I heard that the first season or something is on Wii and I was wondering if I should grab that.
If you like adventure games, and it sounds like you do, you need to buy those games I'd pretty much have to say their my all-time favourite adventure games. Better'n Monkey Island for me. The whole two series (11 games, ranging from 2/3 to 6+ hours) are pretty cheap considering the length of time they'll take you too.

On a freer note I totally have to recommend the Adventure Game Studio website. It's a treasure trove of games hand-made by adventure game lovers, filled with games that range from better than most professional games to total trash. The award winning games are a safe bet to start off.

My favourite comedic AGS adventure game is Jessica Plunkenstein and the Dusseldorf Conspiracy (as recommended by the New York Times ). I lack words for how awesomely witty/random it is.

My other favourite AGS games are the Trilby games. This series of atmospheric, Lovecraftian horror adventures are NOT for the squeamish or feint of heart. I was surprised that a game could make me actually feel uneasy, in a good way That said they are not full of gratuitous violence just for the sake of it. Well, at first it might seem a little like that but stick with it and you'll discover a truly epic horror plot that is probably my favourite horror story in any medium, and will introduce you to the greatest horror character ever . It's actually a really cerebral experience and I recommend that -anyone- who has the remotest interest in adventure games, horror themes or good storytelling to give 'em a look. Make sure to play them in this order, without reading up on the others, to get the full experience:
5 Days a Stranger
7 Days a Skeptic
Trilby's Notes
6 Days a Sacrifice

NWN2 was cool, especially doing the campaign co-op. Well, at least for my fire-resistant tiefling wizard it was. For some reason my friends objected to my unrelenting barrage of firey aoes in melee range But as long as I was left standing after the fight they would get up after a little while. Loved that death system

The expansion, Mask of the Betrayer, is better in every way except multiplayer (it has such an engaging story you want to read and carefully consider every dialogue, not so fun for people waiting on you).
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