Re: MA Newbie game - Faltering_Steps - Running
Originally Posted by Septimius Severus
Arghh. AI just killed off my pretender! Hmm, I wonder if this call god thing works.
Call god works, but it can take quite a while. I forget the exact number of priest levels needed calling, but I believe it is more than 50 (cumultive each turn).
Another interesting fact about it is the AI cheats with call god, and will often have it's pretender back in just a turn or two, while still doing other things.
Be forewarned, anything I post is probably either 1) Sophomoric humor, 2) Satire, 3) A gross exaggeration of the power I currently possess, 4) An outright lie, or 5) Drunken ramblings.
I occasionally post something useful.