Originally Posted by DonCorazon
Originally Posted by analytic_kernel
Speaking of neutrality, what would be the reaction if I put up Arcane Nexus after Pythium's global is down?
Only one way to find out...
Its true that most players would consider NAPs null and void once something like that goes up. As for Pan, we love our wise neighbors to the north especially if they share their bounty..
Originally Posted by Valerius
You may not wish to take sides yet but Abysia asks the nations of the world to observe the war between us and Pan (which we agree is inevitable) and if you see us falter consider that if we fall you will certainly be the next victim...
Pan asks the same, and asks that we appoint an international commission to monitor Abysia's carbon footprint aka the line spiking up in the Dominion graph. If you start seeing black candles popping up in your lands, it could be too late and then no amount of tarts (which btw, I am losing more than I am making of late) will be able to stop the misguided faith in a flaming head that looks like Al Bundy! 
Having now seen the results of the past turn we can only say that our words have proven correct - after attacking Pythium Pan has now started an attack on Mictlan. Abysia will not stand by while another nation is victimized by Pan - we hereby end our NAP with Pan. We will launch our attacks on turn 67, with the battles taking place on turn 68.
As far as Arcane Nexus, we are shocked at Pan's blatant violation of the "everyone attack the person who casts AN" tradition of the Dominions community. Having said that, if Abysia gets a cut of the Nexus we wouldn't mind so much either.
A word about our dominion. We have a small border with Arco so they are not threatened by it. Mictlan has a strong dominion of their own and was in fact stronger than ours most of the game and can withstand our dominion. Our dominion is only intended to strike at one nation: Pan.
And lastly... Al Bundy! You will burn for this impertinence.