Originally Posted by Arralen
Originally Posted by Atreidi
1. Better graphics.
5. Carry Over all Dominions 3 game content to Dominions 4!
That's impossible, at least with only 2 guys working on it - and exactly the cause why there won't be a Dom4 from Illwinter!!

Actually Illwinter took on a couple of interns in the graphics area. Some of the recent sprite updates came from them. I havent heard much lately about them tho so Im not sure if they have finished their internship and moved on, or are working on the new project instead of Dom3.
But as to the 2-man team thing..
I think Illwinter has done above-average in the area of realizing what they can do well, and what they can leave to others. The allow Shrapnel to handle publicity, they allow players do handle documentation, they allow betas to handle most of the testing. They opened wide the abilities to do mods and maps and servers. The game would have progressed MUCH slower if, like other developers, they had tried to do absolutely everything.
And so, my own preferences, would be further along that line. For Illwinter to spend abit of time creating a Dom4 which is Dom3 (and continued growth) but with more areas opened up for others to build on. Such as AI. And some changes to the base of modding which would allow seamless intergation of multiple mods. And some server/map areas such as returning Scenarios to the game.
Just my humble opinions of course.
Gandalf Parker
the Everliving, the Emperor of Strategy, the Tyrrant of Time, the Destructor of Health, the Stealer of Sleep,
and a game too.