yeah I usually lend pics from the net.. I've improved adapting them and even though Sombre would probably agree I think that quality wise a lot of them can stand up to about dom 3 standards (for ref, Sombre's I value higher). To be honest I don't care that much for graphs in this game anyway.
The styles of the graphics are lend of course and usually aren't very dom 3 like... and even within nations styles can clash.. I don't mind... I think Sombre would, well he can aford to be picky I guess

(not sure he's seen the latest work or the polishing I did on the earlier ones though)
Anyway.. I've totally stopped rotating any thing except 90/180 etc.. IMHO you can't even fix it up decently and trust me I've tried, if it doesn't even get to my standards it must mean it's really unusable
Another option I really like is Colorize.. if you use it on your WHOLE pic it will ruin it.. if you select a color first (with a certain treshold) and the colorize that selection it makes for rapid changes in color and keep intact shading (mostly keeps it intact, if you use it and decide to use otehr color UNDO till before the first change. Colorize over colorize will give unicolorish results in the end)
Want a blend of
fantasy and
sci-fi? Try the total conversion
Dominions 3000 mod with a new and fully modded solar system map.
Dragons wanted? Try the
Dragons, Magic Incarnate nation.
New and different undead nation? Try
Souls of Shiar. Including new powerfull holy magic.
In for a whole new sort of game? Then try my scenario map
Gang Wars.