I've been surfing the wiki (

) and I've noticed a few people don't have any updates, on the wiki at least, specifically Tifone (who plays Oceania), C'tis (though Agarthan Raider hasn't had much time to get together a reasonable update) and Soyweiser(of Abysia; by the way sorry for Inutho's trail of blood

). Even fewer people have updated their pages past turn 8. So, I ask, what's up? Do you guys just not know where the
wiki is or how to use it? I know Tifone is separated by a language barrier (Tifone is from Italy, right?), maybe some of you other guys are? Is there just some sort of prevaling current of apathy or massive e-flu keeping you from being able to write stories? The world demands to know!
The world being me, of course.
EDIT: For the truly e-ignorant, click on the word 'wiki' to get to the Dom3wiki page for Chronicles EA.