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Old April 8th, 2009, 12:14 AM

Scarlioni Scarlioni is offline
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Default Re: Betelgeuse - Blood for the Blood Gods!! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age

You still claim to talk peace after your perposterous, perfidious, and putred actions! Your emasarries send word that one province would be the price of a lasting peace, and we agreed.

Truly you come talking peace with a gilded tounge whilest holding a dagger in your hand.

Care to explain why on the turn commencing this vacuaous peace my troops are parading the head of your so called prophet between the great temples of the one true Mictlan?

Fortunately our armies were prudently showing the flag along our borders when this betrayal occured.

You want peace! The rightful Mictlan will leave you in pieces!

I call upon the nations of Betelguese to assit in vanquishing this vile oath breaker.

Bogoffrogs has spoken.
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