Re: Help with Darkness
Executor is really *very, very * good with darkness. Sooo take his advice seriously.
Solar brilliance is not a very effective solution, as darkness iirc is 6 and solar brilliance is 7 and it can be a loooooong time to research up that path unless for some reason you've already started up that way.
Some ideas for you:
1. Cavemen (an indy) have 50% darkvision, and good hit points. 50% cold and fire resistance. So against a darkness spamming opponent .. a good choice.
2. Also - thugs. Turn Black servents or other undead (wights, banes) into supercombatants or thugs.
3. Counter punch. Every casting of darkness costs 4? gems.
The game is about destruction of force, not capturing provinces.
Set your troops up to the rear, do a hold, hold, retreat. Make him burn his gems.
Either have a restrcited retreat choice, or station commanders in the adjacent provinces to recollect your troops.
Next turn - hit him again - and retreat. Use things like call of the wild or call of the winds.
Remember that he has to bring up gems - cut off his resupply route. Make him build labs to resupply. Take the labs and destroy them. (station a scout in the territory...)