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Old April 8th, 2009, 02:34 AM

Scarlioni Scarlioni is offline
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Default Re: Betelgeuse - Blood for the Blood Gods!! - Blood Nations CBM Single Age

I was trying to 'liberate' poor Vomi from your clutches.

As you requested, I will publically state that you attempted to make peace with me with private forum messages. Being ignorant that this was the accepted method of diplomacy I never checked my priavte messages after my brief communication with Star Shine Monarch on how to mail in my pretender, how to use mods, etc...

I had been trying to use the in game messages to conduct diplomacy. Using the in game message system I had believed we had agreed to a NAP last turn. Not knowing to check the forum message system I was unaware that further stipulations had been added for peace.

However, that said. Pratically calling me Luke Skywalker and your pathetic mewling for peace deserves a declaration of WAR
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