Thread: Guide EA Agartha guide
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Old April 9th, 2009, 02:53 PM

chrispedersen chrispedersen is offline
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Default Re: EA Agartha guide

Originally Posted by P3D View Post
Originally Posted by Agema View Post
You don't need trogs to expand with your F/E/N bless, basic ancient ones will fight all day and barely die, so will defeat indies comfortably. They just tend to take a little more time doing it than trampling trogs. Your giants will also gain XP quickly, so their weak Att will eventually become respectable (and don't forget the F bless helping out).

You don't need to empower to make F boosters: your pretender can do that. You also don't really need magic scales. You have F and D magic, so can build lightless lanterns and skull mentors.
Dunno, initially, you don't have resources to buy enough Seal Guards, and Trogs are ideal to fill out the second and third expansion army. Granted, going for Const-1 first would make them immune to almost anything indies have.

The pretender might have other things to do besides making fire boosters to cast Augury.

My problem with no Magic scales is that Skull Mentors are expensive - they cost Death gems which you don't have much initially, and have dozens of better uses later. Shadow Brand, Horror Helmet, Skullface and Bone Armor besides Umbrals. You might not find enough Death sites either. Conj-6 might be a bit far to wait for Lanterns, of course you can rush it. At least that's my opinion.

Agree - don't empower, let your pretender forge them.
Agree also that death gems are better put in umbrals
Also make sure to mention you should have an earth reader in the site every turn.

As for Trogs - Use trogs when you are fightin in cold territories. I probably wouldn't bother in cold 1... but in cold3 hellya.

And trogs become quite respectable when you get their protection up.

Since your D Oracles are capital only - you *have* to do something to stay up in the magical research. You could try building castles - but I think slow expansion really precludes that.

My choice of pretenders (CBM) would either be
Phoenix (Awake) F4N4-5A4, F4E4A4, F4S5A4, F4D4A4

Phoenix has a problem with no hands, so no hammers, which means you may wish to boost one higher than normal to make bootstrapping easierr. Exploding phoenixes give you good expansion, good minor blesses, good site searching and fills some gaps you can't otherwise cast A/N/S. FD is good for fireskulls, and are very useful for your Death DOs.

Olm: My choice only if you know you will be starting in or near water. Take N/W to get the free castles. Asleep is probably ok if you are only starting *near*

ForgeLord F4E4(N4|S4) You can increase the skills if you wish. If you are going to face undead (Ermor) Demons (lanka) the ability to crystal matrix, crystal slave, and crystal shields let your H7 communed DO's do insane banish damage might give you a chance.

Last edited by chrispedersen; April 9th, 2009 at 03:19 PM..
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