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Old April 10th, 2009, 03:18 PM
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Default Re: Alugra, City of Wonders version 1.00

Originally Posted by Natpy View Post
Awesome race. It still some overpowered but realy interesting to play in SP. I try play with turmoil-sloth-luck-magic scales and N4W4 Mastermind with total blood economic, and it was impressive. Note: trained Shadow Son is very important part of erly expansion.
Thanks for feedback. "Awesome" is exactly what I'm going for with this nation .

Would you care to elaborate on the overpowerdness? If I know what excatly bothers you, I can tackle the issue on the next update. I know that the blood economy is too good. I'll address it on the next update (Blood Sergeants will then cost 13 slaves and cause 5! unrest per month in the province where they dwell. They're horrible monsters that snatch away daughters in the night, people will be upset about their presence!).

The gifted (as units) are too good in SP, I admit. The AI is just too stupid to try to counter them effectively. In one SP game, the AI assaulted my Smith army with Wolf tribe warriors. Dam 13 attacks vs prot 20 guys? I was thinking of making MP and SP versions of this mod at the next update. In the SP version, all gifted will probably get a hefty +10gp price tag and Power Within will be a tad more expensive.

Why W4 in your pretender? The reinvogration from E4 bless is lot more useful in my opinion and you can easily get into higher water by forging water bracelets and then robes of the sea with Fishermen. Assasin expansion with shadow sons isn't the fastest way, but it's really fun to play. Especially once you manage to research "Shadow Animation". Use Air Force also allows them to really snipe with their crossbow.
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Last edited by Burnsaber; April 10th, 2009 at 03:28 PM..
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