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Old April 10th, 2009, 05:16 PM

licker licker is offline
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Default Re: Remote Unrest Raising

Originally Posted by Illuminated One View Post
Originally Posted by licker
Well even if you cannot maintain the unrest over 100, you still force them to nerf their income and/or reduce their population by patrolling (also ties down the patroling units, and exposes them to attack).
Which would lead to the question whether that's worth it.

You are spending mage turns and gems (which could be translated into gold somehow) continuously to keep his income lower.
I'm sure that if you consider all factors you are paying more than he is loosing which is only good if you would be worse off if these investments would show on the battlefield on both sides. In that case I would try to lock him down completely though.

Unless maybe you are talking about influencing wars between foreign nations in your favour...
Well there are two concepts in play as I am looking at it.

The first is to hit a nation hard with these kinds of spells before they have a chance to get to 3+ forts. If you lock down their capitol sometime in year2 that kills their recruiting and perhaps a large% of their income. If you lock down all their forts, even if just for a couple turns, it could be enough to provide you with the extra edge in mages/troops to take them with minimal loses.

The second is more along the lines of your suggestion, which is to help dictate the outcome of a war somewhere else, either to prolong it or shorten it as suits you. This is likely something happening in the 3rd year on after nations have established themselves, but against some capitol recruit intensive nations, taking down their ability to recruit cap only units, even if only for a few turns, can be quite devastating to their long term chances.

I know this happened to me in one game (though it was through my own inattention, but the outcome was the same) where I lost 3 turns of cap only mage recruitment, and soon after didn't have enough mages to reach that critical mass some nations require on the battle field.

The investment is rather steep on the first turn, 4 or 5 mages and 20+ gems, but once you've redlined the province, it's one mage and a handful of gems per turn after that to keep the pressure on.

Of course this has to be an opening salvo in a coming bombardment, you can't just do it to screw with someone and leave them to get out of the mess, you have to apply the rest of your pressure soon after if not immediately to get the best results.

It's also a handy way to help an ally out, and you can probably get them to pay the gem portion of your costs, with some interest even for the mage turns.
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