Originally Posted by NTJedi
All this can be accomplished... you simply remove each unit, spell, nation, weapon/item which causes the curses, horror_marks, and insanity. Start with a simple mod removing the biggest pains and as you discover the other units, spells, and weapon/items then you can add them into the mod. At least that's what I did for the AI Opponent Balance mod which took quite a long time for the first version and the next version is being worked on. Any SP gamer looking to balance the scales of fairness would like the mod.
There's no super cure potion/spell for the game. You should try the original base game of Dominions_3... that's where the horrors were massively out of control.
Well if possible I'd like to do as little removing as possible. Total removal is kind of the last drastic step. Removing certain properties or abilities is one thing, removing an entire nation is another!
Is it impossible to make a "super" cure? (Something that specifically removes one condition caused by a 1st level spell isn't exactly world shaking magic in my opinion.) I thought I saw some spell-related guide..
Originally Posted by Edi
The sites that cause horrormarks and curses can be overwritten, but then you lose the other properties they may have. Site modding does not allow assigning horrormark or curse giving properties or many other things, so overwriting is the only way.
I'm confused. Can you not create a similar site with the same effects sans the Curse/Horror Marks, remove the original, and use the new in its stead? Is not possible to add new sites?
Otherwise, you're in for a lot of modding to remove or modify all the spells that can give horrormarks or curses.
I assumed I would have to do this anyway?

I mean if you remove 1 of 10 different ways to obtain a Curse, there are still 9 left, no?