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Old April 10th, 2009, 09:18 PM
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Default Re: Remove Curses and Horror Marks?

Originally Posted by Zogundar View Post
Well if possible I'd like to do as little removing as possible. Total removal is kind of the last drastic step. Removing certain properties or abilities is one thing, removing an entire nation is another!

Is it impossible to make a "super" cure? (Something that specifically removes one condition caused by a 1st level spell isn't exactly world shaking magic in my opinion.) I thought I saw some spell-related guide..
There's no modding which can make it possible to create a super cure. So a super cure is currently impossible.

Originally Posted by Zogundar View Post
Can you not create a similar site with the same effects sans the Curse/Horror Marks, remove the original, and use the new in its stead? Is not possible to add new sites?
Impossible curses, insanity, and horror marks are one way streets. No cures are possible.

Originally Posted by Zogundar View Post
I assumed I would have to do this anyway? I mean if you remove 1 of 10 different ways to obtain a Curse, there are still 9 left, no?
Correct you'd have to create a mod which gradually removes every method of having a curse, horror mark, insanity or the few other permanent harms which are one way.
There can be only one.
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