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Old April 11th, 2009, 03:19 PM

chrispedersen chrispedersen is offline
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Default Re: New pretender: Deep Dagon

Option B:

Cost 125
Size 6
Hit Points 260
Strength 32
Protection 16 + 2
Attack Skill 16
Defense Skill 8 - 2
Precision 8
Morale 30
Magic Resistance 18
Encumbrance 4
Move 1/6
Age 3000+(5000)
Leadership 20/20/20

Amphibious, Fear +2, ColdRes 100, PoisonRes 100, Darkvision 100

2 hands, head, body, feet, 2 misc

Dominion: 3
New Path Cost: 80
Weapons: swallow, claw

Compare to the worm: Area attack, better slots, better resistances, better hp, better fear.

No regen.

Seems about right.....

My suggestion if you want to keep magic would be you'd have to tone him down a lot in hp etc. Perhaps 95 hp with size around 4.
Its not just the magic paths - its the combination of paths. Earth / water are very strong bless paths.

Thematically, Fire/Water would fit well with your fire and cold resistance - but again strong bless paths.

Compare Monster Fish with PoD - one of the popular chassis, at the same point cost. You're proposing better paths than POD, AND more hitpoints, AND better expansion capability - capable of solo expansion on turn one with a high dominion boosting his hp by 26/candle as well as his damage.

So please don't take it like I'm raining on your parade - its a great job, and much better than I can do on graphics. I'd love to include him in my ABM Pretenders - but too strong still = )
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