Alright folks, once more with SHADING DAAAAA!
Well, attempted shading, I don't know if it's alright or not, looks ok to me, but then again, my guys now look more "correct" than "good" I feel, oh well, can't have bright white outfits for everyone
Alright from the top...
A and B are just touched up from the last showing, abit darker with attemped shading on the skirt-thing between the legs.
C is my new unit, the wiseman, although my main beef with this guy is that it took me ages tidying up his skirt, making it look nice and clear, that I couldn't be bothered to tidy up the attack sprite yet, it's on the "to do when I'm crazy bored and want to kill someone because OMG IT JUST WON'T BLEN-ARRRGH!" fun.
D is polished up, with added shading on skirt.
E is my first proper attempt at the select by colour lark you had in your tut, I think it's turned out well, a black giant, hey we have white ones, I thought it'd be cool to have some black ones too, very happy with how his skirt turned out as well, I couldn't do that with the select/etc button, so I did by brush/burning and I think it looks good, abit too dark for the nation maybe, but alright.
H is HAH! my first attempt at real toga shading, I thought it went really well and I must admit, when it came to his attack sprite I sorta well "OH GOD NO" and thought of a lazy/AMAZING way do to his attack, keeping with his character of being the oldest wiseman/hero wiseman unit, I'm going to call the weapon 'Tree of souls' 'cause, let's be honest it's a giant red tree of lazy.
I/see G/etc
J MY FLAG! I'm really pleased with this, I thought it captured the nations feel really well, the hope sun aspect and the new dawn of the Early Age, needs some cleaning but I like the slightly tattered look.
K my king unit, now with slight toned down colours on the idle sprite, I left the attafck sprite the same being as I'm quite lazy and..well...I love the shiny bling.
L thanks to burnsabers suggestion I think I've managed to do the best I could with the armour, I really like it myself, and I'm keeping him shiny on purpose (not laziness) being as he's a king hero, I thought it'd add to his "I'm totally bad ***"-ness.
M the Caveman King hero unit, although he's got some issues I've worked them out, but I hadn't updated the .jpeg, really liked the way his toga turned out, I think I've nicely shaded the fold in it, but then again I could be wrong...
N not much done on witchy, looked fine I thought.
O+P redone from base again, I wasn't happy with the other ones, the regular unit had the right tone of white/grey, but was really messy, and the hero(P) was clean but too bright, so I redid them and I'm very happy, although attack sprite whites are alittle off, I don't think anyone cares.
Phew, that's it, comment are great as ever, and any suggestions for units would be cool too, I'm having a blast doing this, even if they're not the greatest in the world.
Thanks again everyone!