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Old April 12th, 2009, 09:08 AM

analytic_kernel analytic_kernel is offline
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Default Re: Procyon - One age - Started!

Thanks. If it makes you feel any better, the massively parallel Hierarchs of Arcoscephale meant to enslave that 110 D gems worth of Tarts, not flush them down the void toilet. Thirty-nine Astrologers spamming Soul Slay was plan B. (Pardon me for saying: it was like watching a microwaved bowl of popcorn kernels explode into nothingness at a picnic.) Whatever gets the job done....

Also - you may have noticed - but the good people of Arcoscephale aren't exactly flocking to Frosty the Slow-Man in droves. Probably your recent treatise on the virtues of genocide has something to do with it....
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