Originally Posted by analytic_kernel
Thanks. If it makes you feel any better, the massively parallel Hierarchs of Arcoscephale meant to enslave that 110 D gems worth of Tarts, not flush them down the void toilet. Thirty-nine Astrologers spamming Soul Slay was plan B. (Pardon me for saying: it was like watching a microwaved bowl of popcorn kernels explode into nothingness at a picnic.) Whatever gets the job done....
Also - you may have noticed - but the good people of Arcoscephale aren't exactly flocking to Frosty the Slow-Man in droves. Probably your recent treatise on the virtues of genocide has something to do with it.... 
With the fall of Ermor this turn and the complete absense of what was left of his dominion you are about to see my dominion increasing a bit faster so you might be speaking a bit soon about the dominion.