Thread: Utility Sprite Editing Tutorial
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Old April 15th, 2009, 07:33 AM

DaveCG DaveCG is offline
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Default Re: Sprite Editing Tutorial

Alright, besides one tarzan, and maybe afro prince hero, I think I'm done for now, I mean I've got loads of ideas, but I don't think a single nation should have 30+ troops

Here's sofinished.jpeg for you gent to gander at, I might try making it smaller for better quality (sorry ich, no MCP ((multi cat party!?)) but for now, I think that's it, I'm going to try to make a decent tarzan, but for now explaining time, yay.

A = Summons, featuring golden lions, and both types of lionmen and hopefully some white elephants, but I've got to fire off a message to juzzi asking if it's alright to use his elephant sprite without riders, don't want the first thing I ever do to contain a 'dick move'.

B = Pretender(s) currently just lord of the golden plain, I know the head looks cheesy, but I quite like how the rest of him turned out, I tried following the shading from the original sprite, and it turned out pretty well.

C = Heroes! all as normal expect one thing, both the wiseman and hero wiseman have had their togas MC Hammered, going for a sorta pantaloons style, I wasn't so sure on how to make them seem less 90o angle, so I thought I'd try this, lemme know if it's alright, or if I should go for more of a triangle look, classic robe style.

D = My general army, recuitable everywhere, I wasn't so sure about putting the caveman there, but I can work things like that out later, one new guy is the tribal leader commander, mostly taken from MA Machaka, but with orangey toga thing, and darker red feathers.

E = Cap only/sacreds lots I know, I'm going to work out the details later but for now this seems about right, I could maybe do with another non-cap mage, other than the witchy, but like I said, working out later, last new guy here is the bottom white guy, being a prince came out pretty well, although I feel his regular sprite is alittle light torso and up, any shading advice for that?

All in all, very little left to do, I'm sort of dissapointed, I might keep adding to theses guys though, like I said, loads of ideas and stuff but nevermind for now, next on the list will proberly be my insane idea for a underwater blood nation...

Yeah you heard! :P

(will the blood slaves drown as soon as a battle starts if the command that has them 'equiped' doesn't have something like share water breathing?)
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